:: I was relieved when Black walked back his comments about the possible death of the D. Gass’ feelings should matter to him more than Trump’s. Gass is a longtime friend and collaborator. Trump is evil incarnate. ::

How can you say that? Jack Black is a smug asshole, not at all funny, and who ruined Emily Blunt's chance at being Black Widow because of his Trumpian bloated ego! It doesn't surprise me that he'd throw a friend under the bus because he wants to protect...Donald Trump?

What the fuck? Jack Black can be tossed into the same trash can as James Corden, another unfunny overweight "comedian"—the only difference is Corden reeks of flop sweat, while Black reeks of unearned self-regard.....

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I absolutely loathe Donald Trump, perhaps as much as anyone on Earth, but Jack Black’s reaction to Kyle Gass’s extremely reckless and awful comment was not about Donald Trump. It was about patriotism and the rejection of political violence. If that crazy person had succeeded in killing the former president, it would have ushered in one of the darkest moments in American history. Jack Black did not overreact at all. And I am sad to hear that Cate Blanchett is in a terrible movie based on one of the only video game franchises I have never played.

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My grandpa's been making jokes about how Trump should be assassinated since 2015. It's poor taste, but it's a joke; he's not seriously advocating for political violence.

Gass made an off-the-cuff joke, in poor taste, and, not for nothin', he made it *after* it was clear that Trump was not seriously injured. Apologizing and condemning political violence is a perfectly reasonable way to follow that up; a multinational scandal is not.

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Sorry, but you're wrong.

Trump lives by inciting violence—if he'd DIED by the violence he incites?

It would be no more than poetic justice—the best kind of justice.

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Because Jack Black does seem like a genuinely good person, I assumed he didn’t can Gass because of Trump’s feelings but because, you know, political violence is horrible, so making a joke wishing it to happen when *it almost just fucking happened* is about as low as you can go.

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I've played this series of games for many years, and I was cautiously optimistic when I first saw [5 years ago??] that Eli Roth was going to make a movie out of the franchise. The casting choices seemed wrong, or totally wrong, except for Jack Black as Claptrap.

Why not just use the original voice, David Eddings? Well, he was replaced several years ago, by Jim Foronda. The story seems ugly and complicated, and at one point involved David Eddings assaulting the head of the software company. But also, the guy probably deserved it.

Ugly. Complicated.

Sure, go with Jack Black.

The rest of the characters seemed wildly miscast. But maybe they had an interesting story to tell, and these changes were needed to tell it that way? No, it seems they just cast specific people and changed character details to fit the actors. Why? And why did I give this doomed-from-the-start production so much benefit of the doubt? I guess I wanted to believe.

In the game, Roland is large man, a no-nonsense take-charge leader. Kevin Hart? Why?

Cate Blanchett is decades too old to play her character. But she's very talented, so: maybe?

See also: Jamie Lee Curtis.

But Jack Black nailed it? Good.

I have to think that at least half of the bloated budget was spent trying to salvage the shoot, after the initial product turned out to be un-releasable. Just a guess. So they spent tens of millions, and it's still incredibly bad? Ugh.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

> Borderlands illustrates yet again why it is generally a piss poor idea to turn a hit video game into a major motion picture.

Maybe TV's the better fit? Fallout's done pretty well with a broadly similar premise. The Last of Us, Cuphead, and League of Legends have all been pretty successful as TV series too.

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I still wonder if the Halo movie that was supposedly going to be directed by Peter Jackson would have been any good. There's a lot of story there, and it would have been really relevant back during peak War on Terror.

That said, the main appeal of Halo was gameplay, definitely not story.

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Gass's comment was in incredibly poor taste and if you watch the clip, everyone knows it.

It wasn't funny, wishing that someone would have been killed instead of being very lucky.

I also noted that nobody here mentioned that a man DIED, and another person was injured in this attack.

Shame on you all.

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