The Guy From The Police Academy Movies Who Makes Funny Noises With His Mouth came up to my town a couple of years ago, and the local news people interviewed him in a cafe. He of course took the opportunity to reenact the making and pouring of a cappuccino by means of the amazing sounds he can make with his mouth, and the stupefied reaction of his interlocutors made it clear that they knew everything about this man except that his thing was making crazy sounds with his mouth, which is exactly the only thing everybody else in the world knows about him. They seemed to think he'd gone crazy or was having some kind of medical emergency; and his reaction in turn, when he realized they had no idea what he was doing, was one for the books.

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I want to see this.

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I'm still not sure WTF you hated the first movie so damned much, Nabin—and why you really enjoyed the diminishing returns of this second sequel, nostalgia and Leslie Easterbrook's bounty aside. A humorous meta note is that the most successful character as a cop in the series is Easterbrook's Callahan (whomp whomp), who goes from Training Officer (and surprise ally to the Academy misfits) to District Attorney over the course of the series.

Along with the last film, this one was directed by Jerry Paris, who I always remember as Rob Petrie's dentist who wants to be a comic neighbor on THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW.

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This is the only entry in the series that I actually watched in the theaters. In fact, it might be the very first film I went to with a friend alone and not with any parents. Being the precocious 10-year-old that I was, I had already seen the first one many times on HBO, but not the second one. Just 51 weeks separated the releases of 2 and 3, and in those days the home video rental market was really heating up, so I don't think 2 was shown on HBO until after 3 premiered as it was still raking it in at video stores. So I was unaware of the background of the Goldthwait and Kazurinsky characters when I saw the opening set piece of them riding to the academy in their bike and scooter, respectively. Of course, that didn't cause me any issues keeping up and really all you needed to know is that they had a confrontation before and that could have easily happened off-screen rather than needing a whole movie to illustrate it.

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I managed to see 2, 3 and 4 in theaters, but after disliking the fourth one so much, I never went to another. I think of the remaining two, the last one might have gone direct-to-video.

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A friend of mine worked on the crew of Police Academy: The Series, which was shot in Vancouver. I forget which cable network ran it, but it wouldn't have happened at all if it weren't for its primary investor, some rich bigwig from Saudi Arabia who was a big fan of the movies, and just wanted more Police Academy in his life. Of course, the only returning cast member was The Guy From The Police Academy Movies Who Makes The Funny Noises With His Mouth, but my friend has fond memories of working with the late, great Joe Flaherty, who played Cmdt. Stuart Hefilfinger on the show, as a lifelong SCTV fanatic (like myself). Some other cast members like Bubba Smith and George Gaynes did some single episode appearances, and he even got to work with some comedy legends like Dom Deluise and Kenneth Mars. Can't begrudge them for picking up a cheque, for a show probably few people ever saw.

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