My youngest is at that age where he just got rid of all his Paw Patrol toys, and he doesn't watch the show anymore, but he saw this was coming out and I could tell he was a little excited. I'll make sure he catches this on streaming.

"And if the kids love The Transformers then heck, why not make some of the pup’s vehicles Transformers as well."

And in case you were wondering what he's more into now... yep... you guessed it...

Frank Stallone.

Well, maybe just Transformers.

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"The mad scientist looks like an Incel’s conception of a feminist; a dark-skinned woman with a shock of green hair, purple glasses, an eccentric wardrobe and an unforgivable disinterest in pleasing straight men or appealing to their tastes."

When I started seeing the TV spots for this movie, I thought, "Why did they make the villain kind of hot?!" I didn't know the voice was Taraji P. Henson, but now it all makes sense.

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Every week I have to tear a piece of Paw Patrol merch out of my four-year-old’s hands. I hate these consumer-friendly little fascists but I enjoyed your writeup!

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