I still have never watched this, which was made easy by the fact that, unlike the first 4 movies, this was not rerun endlessly on HBO and by 13 I was discerning enough to know from the trailer that this was going to be quite poor and skipped it in the theaters. My biggest memory of it was being a running joke on an episode of Newhart, about how Dick was missing out by not seeing it.

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It’s hard to think of Police Academy existing in the world of Newhart. Even more so if Bob dreamed it in the 70s, as suggested by the bedroom decor when he wakes up

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I believe that "Newhart" was a dream that "Bob" had, but not back in the 70s. They just never re-decorated, and the dream occurred at the time the last episode of "Newhart" aired: May 21, 1990. So not only had PA5 come out, PA6 had come out, as well. "Dick" would have had the opportunity to see all of the first 6, as they were all released during the timespan of the dream (1982-1990), just as "Bob" may have seen them in the years before he had his dream.

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If I had a nickel for every unnecessary late-Reagan-era comedy sequel which sent its characters (minus the male lead from the previous movie) to Florida for wacky misadventures, I'd have two nickels, which isn't much but it's still kind of weird it happened twice. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093857/

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Funny you brought up Nerds - I watched a video last night of a recent con panel discussion with most of the cast (sans Edwards, McGinly, and Goodman). What struck me most was that they're all so old now - which shouldn't be so shocking, but I was 13 when the original came out and it was strange to see. Wormser's roughly my age, though. Robert Carradine shuffled onto the stage and could barely get into the chair they had for him (granted, I read afterwards he was in a really bad car accident about 7 years ago - which is another sordid story). Busfield and Armstrong did most of the talking, Scott did his rap, and Gibb wouldn't stop making bad jokes. Carradine barely ever looked up. Very strange watch.

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I seem to remember Commandant Lassard carrying around a fishbowl, and the Japanese police officials who were attending the conference in Miami were doing the same because he was the Guest of Honor, or something like that....

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This was my last PA movie, but only once on cable. I don't believe I ever saw City Under Siege or the Moscow one. I'm guessing I didn't miss much. It was a little sad because I liked the first one so much. Keep in mind, I was 13 when it was released and it had boobs - instant winner. That said, I tolerated the 2nd and 3rd and downright disliked the 4th. This one was okay, but aside from the dork scene pictured in the article and a strange moment where a jet ski dives underwater (that might have been in a different one), I remember very little about it.

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The pictures make it look like this would be fun to watch, but unfortunately it’s movie-length

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This was a formative movie for me. I saw it when I was probably 6 or 7 and I loved it back then. It was my first PA movie, so Steve Guttenberg always felt like the replacement to me.

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