Just saw ALIEN: ROMULUS tonight and....

1) It's not Earth they're on, it's a mining colony where they've been sent into indentured servitude. Earth never comes up in the movie, so I suspect it's either completely gone or they're so far out it's impossible to reach (like where the series FIREFLY took place). They use cryostatis tubes so they can travel long distances, which implies a future where Faster-than-Light travel doesn't exist.

2) The "spaceship" our heroes travel to is not The NOSTROMO, it's a space station where they took the Xenomorph from The NOSTROMO to study. What was left to study after Ripley blew the Xenomorph out of the airlock remains a mystery....

3) I don't think Andy's upgrade is supposed to suggest neurodivergence, but the very cold and calculating programming he had before he got the glitchy chip that makes him lovable to Rain and vulnerable.

4) The Human/Xenomorph hybrid you say took you out of the movie? Is a far more monstrous version of "The Kindred" from ALIEN RESURRECTION. I thought it was creepy and scary enough to be used a being that's even worse than the Xenomorph that we associate with the ALIEN series by now—which after having been used repeatedly in the movies, and even sold as a children's toy(!) when the first movie came out in 1979(!!!)


has lost much of its ability to terrify.

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I was sure the very silly thing that ruined the movie was going to be the useless resurrection of a glitchy, poorly captured Ian Holm's face. I was so disappointed in the choice. It would have been so much more satisfying to have practical effects using an actor who looked similar to Ian Holm, so that it was unsettling. It would be like Aliens, you couldn't be sure the artificial person in Aliens wouldn't betray Ripley until he didn't. In the new film, without Ian's face, you wouldn't be quite sure he was an evil presence but you'd definitely not trust him. What a lost opportunity!

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I loved this movie when I saw it last night. But I like getting stoned and going to see movies like this and only get really critical if something major is wrong or characters aren’t developed (doesn’t really hurt a Jason Statham film for me if characters aren’t developed though, ha)

I like the different perspective of your review, but I also like and agree with what Dr. Drake says in their comment.

We all have our different ways of enjoying films and if I get to (quote Eminem) and lose myself, I’m happy.

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Had a similar review of Romulus. Were they really on Earth? I had no idea. Also i agree with you opinion on how these movies use Autism, The Predator tried to do it as well.

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